Smart Performance & Sport Science




Before a particular context / situation, we analyze, propose and debate concrete solutions based on the accumulated knowledge and experience.

We carry out “online” / “on site” consultations, together with the possibility of including other actions (specialized training, performance analysis and optimization, evaluations and training,…) when the situation / context requires it.

Specialized training

For those who seek excellence, we offer different options of specialized training courses in sports performance, which we adapt to the needs and context that arise.



Specialized training

For those who seek excellence, we offer different options of specialized training courses in sports performance, which we adapt to the needs and context that arise.


GPS and fitness
Specific training methodology in football
Strength training and coordination
Specific periodization in football
Agility and speed training
Technology applied to performance
Resistance and its development in football


Mentorships (essential 1 day, advanced 4 days, master 2 weeks, others)
Practical workshops (basic 2h, advanced 4h)
Seminars (1 day)
Other options

Performance analysis and optimization

By obtaining competition and / or training data (mainly using EPTS / GPS technology, video analysis), we analyze, evaluate and propose methodological solutions depending on the context to optimize collective and individual performance.







Evaluations and training

We carry out conditional evaluations (FVP profile in the jump and in the sprint, neuromuscular profile, asymmetries …) and biomechanical (sprint, jump, change of direction, EMG and asymmetries, others), through the use of advanced technology.

We also offer the possibility of conducting targeted training sessions, both individually and in small groups or collectively, aimed at optimizing individual performance according to the athlete’s profile, sport, injury history, context … as to the development of a certain aspect (career / speed technique, eccentric force, force and coordination, …).


Investigatio and development

We develop methodological solutions based on technology, conduct applied research for your club / organization (in collaboration with different universities), and act as a tester of applied technology.


Staff Headhunting

We offer the possibility of hiring professionals (trainers, physical trainers, physiotherapists, …) that adapt to the necessary profile (young people with potential, young people with a certain experience, experts with proven track record), including the possibility of having the support of the Smart Performance consulting to obtain the greatest benefits and possibilities.


Project development

We develop, propose, implement and direct projects of various kinds related to sports performance (development of performance department, sports campus, team stage, event organization, intensive training courses, Touch & Play programs, …). Tell us your need, and we will offer you our approach.